Professor Karol Sikora is one of the country's top cancer specialists and I work as a healer. We've known each other for about 35 years ever since he invited me to talk about my work to his medical students at the Hammersmith Hospital in the 1980s. He'd been impressed by what I'd been able to do for a number of his patients. 

As a result of our loose collaboration over the decades he's introduced me to many other wonderful consultants who are supportive of healing. I frequently send my patients to them either for treatment that is maybe not available in their part of the country, or for a second opinion. 

I recently saw a lady who'd just been diagnosed with a tumour in her tongue. Her local oncology team recommended fairly radical surgery that was potentially life-changing. I felt she needed to have an urgent second opinion but didn't know who to recommend. I emailed Karol who responded within in an hour. 

48 hours later, my patient had an appointment in London with a leading oral cancer surgeons. Sadly, he concurred with her local medical team and she really doesn't have any other medical option than radical surgery. But, we tried - and often there is a more positive outcome. 

This is how healing and orthodox medicine should work. My role is not an 'alternative' to medicine but as something to complement it. Doctors can do things for my patients that I can't dream of - but sometimes healers can do something they can't. 

At the end of his email to me last week, Karol mentioned a young woman that we both treat. Three years ago she was suffering from Stage 4 breast cancer but for some time she's been completely clear. "A PET-CT scan carried out last week shows she is disease free," he told me. "She needs to get away from all of us and get a life, go travelling, have a torrid love affair - anything but dwelling on her breast cancer and seeing endless specialists! Easy to say but difficult to do." 

His comments made me smile for days and I've used them here with her consent. All of us believe her success story is down to a joint effort. 

In the Introduction to my book, The Healing Journey, Karol Sikora wrote: "Matthew has a remarkable track record of working at the interface between body and soul. His knowledge is outstanding in both breadth and detail." If Karol ever asked me to return the favour I would say exactly the same thing about him. It's what makes him a healing doctor and me a medical healer. 

 That would be my vision for the future of healing - a situation where we work alongside orthodox medicine for the sole purpose of helping the patient.


In May 2013, Caroline sent me an anguished email about her 55-year-old husband, who’d just been diagnosed with bowel cancer that had spread to his liver, asking me to send distant healing.

“He is in Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge having just recovered from a severe kidney infection which is why they found the cancer,” she wrote. “Some years ago, you made a friend of mine just magically better.”

On 1 July 2013, she then emailed an extraordinary update:

“Six weeks ago you sent my husband distant healing and something most unusual has happened. His kidneys recovered, the primary tumour was removed by surgery, but on reexamination of the liver secondary with a view to chemotherapy or further surgery, it was found to have shrunk from 16cm to 8cm.
“He has had no chemotherapy so far, nor any other medication that could account for this, and his consultant, Dr Charles Wilson, who has heard of you and is an admirer of your work, gave me a copy of the scan results as he thought you would like to see them.”

A couple of weeks ago Caroline messaged me again to add someone else to my distant healing list. Not having heard from her for 11 years, I was curious to know about her husband’s eventual outcome.

“The tumour completely disappeared from the scan but the surgeon said he was sure it was there anyway and wanted to operate. He went ahead and found nothing whatsoever, except gallstones so they removed his gallbladder. The liver tissue was analysed and there was no cancer - not even any dead cancer,” she explained.
“It was a medical mystery and my husband was quite famous at Addenbrookes for a time after that. 11 years on he is looking forward to his retirement!”

It gives me pleasure when one of my patients is described as a ‘medical mystery’, but even more pleasure to know that all those years later they are still well.


Natasha Baker sweetly left this post on my Facebook timeline the other day - it was an old press cutting that I didn’t have. There’s a lovely story behind her words of gratitude. 

Thirty years ago, when she was just 14-months-old, her mother Lorraine found her paralysed one morning when she went to her cot. “She was like a rag doll. She couldn’t speak or even lift her head off the pillow,” she recalled. 

Natasha was eventually diagnosed as suffering from transverse myelitis, an inflammation in her spine that affected her nerve endings. Doctors could only offer some physiotherapy but had no treatment. 

“I felt there must be something more that could be done and in February 1992, I took Natasha to see Matthew. He put his hands on her back and within five minutes her legs started jumping around. We went once a month and Natasha’s condition improved every time,” said her mother. 

During one healing session I remember suddenly jumping as I moved my hands over Natasha’s knees. It felt as if an electric current had passed through me - but the next day she was able to pedal her bike which she’d previously been unable to do. 

Later, Natasha had four sessions with me over two days. Afterwards she was able to walk unaided the length of her school hall all by herself during a Nativity play. From such a bleak prognosis earlier in the year, her parents were understandably thrilled. 

Ten years ago she wrote to say what a huge difference the healing sessions had made to her life. “Mum and Dad are convinced that I would not be as independent as I now am had it not been for you,” she said. 

“I grew up on a farm and horses have been a huge part of my life. I started riding at my local Riding for the Disabled Association when I was eight years old and have progressed into an international Para Dressage rider.” 

Natasha was left with a lack of strength in her legs so she trains her horses to respond to her voice and to movements she can make in the saddle. She is now a 6-time Gold Medal Paralympic Equestrian Champion and 4-time European champion who has set new Paralympic records. 

Natasha was awarded an MBE in 2013 for services to equestrianism, and an OBE in this year’s New Years Honours, also for services to equestrianism.


September 2022....... 

We receive so much wonderful and inspiring feedback from people who have had personal healing sessions with me, have been to my healing circles - or simply been on my distant healing list. 

These are just three messages received in the past days … 

“I have just returned from the hospital where, as you know, I was due to have an injection in my eye. My pressures are now within correct levels and there has been considerable improvement in my retina - to the extent that they didn’t carry out the injection procedure. The doctor was very pleased and is booking me in for another scan in six to eight weeks time.” 


“Mike spoke to his nephrologist this morning as he has not had a blood transfusion since June. Previously he was having two units of blood each week. His haemoglobin is currently at 76. The consultant said that if he doesn’t require transfusions or have any seizures between now and Christmas, we can look at the transplant list in the New Year.” 


“After your healing circle in July, I had a healing experience that may not be dramatic - but it was sure and accountable. I have wet macular degeneration, a condition where you can lose your sight without treatment. But attending the circle slowly removed the dark shadows that appeared in my vision in the evening and morning light. Previously I could not see through them. 

“But they slowly became smaller and almost invisible and are now almost gone. At the assessment I recently attended, I read ten more letters with my left eye and three more with the right eye than at the previous assessment. The medical profession only promise that they may be able to arrest the condition, not improve or cure it.”



One of my last pre-lockdown workshops was held in October, 2019, for a small group in a beautiful venue that stands literally on the beach in Porthallow, Cornwall. We had a wonderful time and numerous friendships were forged that weekend. 

People attend workshops for different reasons: some want to learn to develop their own healing abilities, some are drawn because they are ill and in need of healing, and a few join out of curiosity. 

As part of the workshop experience I always do a healing demonstration - participants are curious to see how I work and the energy is palpable. That weekend I chose to work with Brigette. Whilst sometimes there is an immediate and clearly visible result, occasionally it’s only later that I get to learn the outcome. 

“I just wanted to share with you some awesome news,” Brigette wrote yesterday. “In 2019 I was diagnosed with (secondary) incurable cancer. I had previously had breast cancer in 2018 for which I’d had surgery. I saw you in Cornwall at the healing retreat and was chosen by you for a healing demonstration. 

“Since then, I’ve been having every test and scan possible. It’s obviously been a stressful time for me and my family. 

“Today I received the news that the lesions in my spine are definitely benign and my oncologist has discharged me from her clinic. I just want to thank you for the part you played in my journey and to let you know (but you already do 😆) how positive intent, and healing truly works. Gratitude and love.” 

You may have been at the Porthallow workshop that weekend and remember my healing demonstration so it’s wonderful to learn of the positive outcome just over two years later. 

(Because of filming commitments, I’ve got no further workshops scheduled although I am holding regular healing circles this year.)


On Saturday night I received a desperate request for distant healing from a subscriber to the Healing Community pages of my website. Less 48 hours later she sent this wonderful update. 

“Thank you so much for the distant healing you sent my Mum. Her recovery has been miraculous. 

“She’s 80-years-old and on Saturday night was rushed to hospital with a blinding headache, nausea so bad she was unable to move, and blood pressure at over 200 on both the systolic and diastolic readings. She had previously beaten kidney cancer so only has one remaining kidney and it wasn’t working properly. 

“The doctors discovered her sodium levels were dangerously low and were concerned she was having a stroke. I spent over six hours with her on A&E, only leaving after you’d started to send her distant healing. 

“On Sunday morning I was utterly amazed to find her smiling and sitting in a chair when I returned to the hospital. Her blood pressure had dropped back into the normal range, she’d been able to eat and drink - and her blood tests came back with near-normal readings. Her headache was now a gentle discomfort and she could move without being sick! 

“How on earth can someone go from that awful state on Saturday night, to be sitting up chatting and smiling the next morning. It’s utterly unbelievable and there’s no way that sort of recovery could have happened without the healing you sent her. 

“Yesterday morning (Monday) I received a phone call from the hospital saying she could go home.” 

It’s fantastic to receive such wonderful feedback and, as I always say, healing works beyond our understanding of time and space.