I receive daily requests for distant healing which is available from the subscription pages of this website for just £5 per month. (You also then have access to my meditations and videos and Global Healing Events.) Some people add their own name to my distant healing list whilst others ask for healing on behalf of a friend or loved one.




My next Global Healing Event will be held on Saturday 24thAugust 2024 at 20.00 hrs (UK time) 

I hold a one-hour Global Healing Event for my healing community subscribers every month from the Healing Community pages on the website. 

They are held at 20.00 hrs (UK time) on a Saturday and  remain online for 24 hours to accommodate the different time zones around the world. 

The Global Healing Events will be held on the following dates:     

August 24th

September 20th

October 19th

November 23rd

These Events are an hour-long opportunity to send and receive healing whether for yourself or a loved one.  

During the events, I lead people from all over the world through a meditation which enables us to connect together as one energy sending and receive healing. 

I use videos, guided meditations and music which Anita and I have written specifically for these events. These take months to compose, record and film. Each month I choose one of these compositions for the event.

Anita’s music is spellbindingly beautiful and carries us into the most sublime realms and my meditational words become almost like poetry.  

Whether you need healing yourself or want to direct it to others, it’s a perfect opportunity to join me and become at one with the extraordinary energy that is generated.  

Each month we make a donation to a different charity from your subscription revenue. 

Our music and videos are of very high quality and resolution. Your listening experience will be hugely enhanced if you use headphones or a Bluetooth speaker as the inbuilt speakers on mobile phones, iPads, laptops or PCs are not great quality and give a rather ‘tinny’ sound. 

These healing events are a completely immersive experience of sound, vision and healing and you don't need to keep your eyes closed.

“Join me where the falling stars live. I am waiting for you … “

'I can only say that since being on the healing list my health has improved more than my doctors ever expected. My heart was weak after an undiagnosed illness and they said it wouldn’t get better but it has become completely normal now. My blood cancer which isn’t going away say the doctors, is in remission and the itching that accompanied it is almost completely gone. I just notice that it gets worse if I don’t watch stress levels . I am on the lowest dose of tablets and feel so much better. Just need my veins in my legs to get sorted then my immediate problems are sorted  thank you so much for your help it is really appreciated and respected'


Distant healing is an enduring mystery for which neither I - nor scientific researchers, who refer to it as non-local healing - have an explanation. Yet time and again it works with great success.  

Many of the scientific experiments in which I was once involved were designed to test my ability to influence remote biological ‘targets’ such as blood cells or cancer cells. Interestingly, the results were sometimes better at a distance than when the samples were in close proximity to me.  

I can perhaps best describe the experience as a spatial separation than can be seemingly bridged by intentions, empathetic wishes, and compassionate thoughts or prayers.  

For many years I have sent distant healing to those on a list. I familiarise myself with the names of people requesting help before closing my eyes, falling into my breathing and becoming aware of my heartbeat. As my awareness of the external environment recedes, I find myself in a restful place. Sensations of light, care, concern and compassion arise as I bring myself to a gentle space of healing intent.  

I become aware of the energies out in the ethers of those on my distant healing list. I often see faces and it’s not unusual for one face to fade away, only to be replaced by another as I experience a strong sense of holding space for healing. I believe that in some little-understood way, I am directing or channeling a universal unconditional love.  

Maybe if you join me on my weekly distant healing session, or my monthly global healing event, you close your eyes and float in a relaxed place and flow with the music. You’ll almost certainly feel a greater connection with me through my voice, and perhaps my video presence. I simply recommend that you find a quiet place where you’ll be undisturbed for the duration of the experience.  

Occasionally someone places the name of a loved one or friend on my distant healing list without their knowledge. The benefit can be the same even though that person is unaware that I’m reaching out and they are not therefore consciously involved in the process. This week someone wrote that after placing a name of my list, “She is now teetotal since you have been sending her distant healing. That is something my husband and I never thought we would hear.”  

The best exponent of distant healing was the late great Harry Edwards whose work has always been my inspiration. During the war a bomb destroyed all the records he held for those on his list, yet people still experienced extraordinary healing. These accounts suggest that whilst a recipient need not know that their name is on a healing list, it is perhaps also unnecessary for the healer to be aware of the names of those in need of healing!  

We don’t deny the existence of love simply because it cannot be measured or quantified by scientists in a laboratory. We experience its influence and impact in our lives everyday. And so it is with healing.   



"Thank you for the amazing distant healing yesterday evening. The heat that came through was so incredible as I tuned in that I could feel myself perspiring through the energy.  

"I slept the most peaceful of nights' sleep and my eye now feels much less painful and has lost some of the remnants from the infection."  

"That was fabulous and deeply relaxing. I could feel the waves of energy pulsing and was surrounded by wonderful colours.”  

“Listening to it in New Zealand, this healing has blown my mind - from starting off, to being relaxed, to then becoming so hot I thought I would burst into flames. And tears in my eyes, then floating away and being calm. Then the healing started ... hot again to almost hot. I am amazed at this experience.”   

“The healing energy was palpable. I was roasting hot with buzzing hands. It was as if we were all together in one space. What a truly amazing experience.”  

“What an amazing healing experience. I became aware of the energy building so high from about 18.30 ... Such an emotional healing for me, tears ran down my face at times. I opened my eyes as my hands were buzzing so much. I’ve never seen such energy coming from my fingertips before. I felt I could fly!”  

“Tonight’s mass healing was like being in an epic movie where we all travelled to the beginning of time and back with our friends and family. What an amazing experience. It demonstrated that our mind/spirit have no boundaries.”  

“That was intense and powerful indeed. I felt I was part of something ... more connected and my sense of being alone left me. Instead, I found that hope and peace is still within reach.”  

“The cancerous lump on my left eyelid is gone,” she wrote. Her news is echoed by many similar comments:   

“Thank you, Matthew, for experiencing your healing energy so that my appointment for heart surgery could be cancelled.”   

“My slipped disc slipped back.”   

“Thank you so much for the distant healing for abnormal cells detected in my abdomen. I visited the hospital yesterday and no abnormal cells were found.”   

“I am so excited to let you know on yesterday’s scan the ‘bleed’ had been reduced by around 50%.”   

“Since I started following your online events, I have no more horrible attacks of stomach pain that I had for two years. No more problem with my leg either! Call it a coincidence? No, I’m a believer.”   

“Wow. I felt lightheadedness and my hands got really warm. I felt so at peace and relaxed. By the end of the session I was radiating heat from within - and no pain.”   

“About 14 minutes into the healing meditation I started crying and realised the knot of anxiety in my chest had dissolved. I went deeper and deeper into a feeling of peace and felt the love and compassion come through. There was a wonderful feeling of Oneness with everybody and everything.”   

“Thank you so much, from Australia. A sore right eye that was scaring me slightly went away overnight.”   

“What an amazing journey. I feel stronger and calmer now.”   

“What an emotional experience,” “The words, music, and visuals left me with a profound sense of calm,” “The music was amazing and the healing energies flowed so powerfully,” “Thank you from the depths of my heart! I could feel being part of something wonderful. I could sense a change of density in my chest and a spaciousness, light and a calm. I was also touched by the beautiful and powerful video. My grown up daughter fell into a deep healing sleep on the floor.”   

“This time I wasn’t aware of much going on but was left with a feeling of deep peace and not wanting the experience to end. However, on Monday afternoon I realised that the tumour in my neck which had not changed much for months had shrunk noticeably. I struggle to put it into words but I am left feeling an immense sense of love for everyone.”   

We receive literally hundreds of messages of extraordinary feedback and these represent just a few.   


“Join me where the falling stars live. I am waiting for you … “   
